Dungeon Codex

Myrrdin - Profane Metaphysics

Profane Metaphysics
Profane Metaphysics
1. Invocation of Plague Winds
2. Lichen
3. Subversion of Rituals
4. Creation of Conscience Beyond the Limitations of Being
5. Profane Metaphysics
6. Transmigration of Souls
Total Time
January 1, 2006
Additional Details
Earliest surviving black metal recordings by Myrrdin.

Music was recorded 2004-2006.

Released 2006 in small supply.

This is a cassette rip from a 2nd gen, home-dubbed tape.

The quality is not great, but then neither is the music.

I have tried to clean up the sound where needed.

Uploaded for curiosity's sake; please don't pay money for this free download of very old material.

released January 1, 2006

Myrrdin - All music and song writing.

Album graphics by Esko Tolvanen.
January 1, 2006
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Added By: Aveline
August 11, 2023
Edited By: Opsiuscato
November 7, 2023
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