Conqueror's Mourn - Fifth in Her Line to Walk the Path

Fifth in Her Line to Walk the Path
1. With the Smell of Death on the Air, She Whets her Blade
2. When Songs of Boast Cease to Cheer (Victory is a Burden)
3. Her Pulse Slows in Battle
Total Time
April 10, 2018
Additional Details
"You call yourself the master of your wrath
Yet so have all before who've walked this path"
All compositions by Die Niederlagesanger. Recorded between November and February MMXVIII.
Yet so have all before who've walked this path"
All compositions by Die Niederlagesanger. Recorded between November and February MMXVIII.
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Added By:
April 22, 2020
Edited By:
May 19, 2020